All for you, My children

We will be teaching several slokas here..
1. Daily slokas - A child can learn these to recite them everyday. These slokas include
a. Ganesha slokam - A prayer to invoke ganesha - the remover of obstacles
b. Guru shyanam: A thanks giving to the guru, the one who leads us to moksha
c. Saraswati dhyanam - A prayer to goddess of learning
d. Rama Nama - A prayer to rama which when recited is equal to recite the entire Vishnu sahasranamam
e. Annapoorna: A thanks giving to goddess anna poorni for having bestowed us with our daily bread
f. Navagraha: An invocation to the nine grahas whose benevelonce removes all ill effects
g. Sapta Nadis: A thought to the seven sacred rivers to purify us during our bath
h. Hanuman: A prayer to Lord hanuman t make as us a all rounder like HIM
2. Ganesha Pancharatnam: This sloka was composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya. It extols Lord ganesha and his greatness
3. Shiva Manasa Puja: A whole hearted puja done to lord Shiva with the sould as the temple, and the prana (life force) as the garba gruha. This is a beautiful composition with a wonderful imagination and bhava. Children and adults are requested to understand the meaning and recite it. Imagine that you are doing puja to the LORD as you recite it.
4. Vishnu Sahasranama: A great master pice by Bhishma that gives all prospertiy both materially and spiritually. A must know chant for all Hindus.
5. Lakshmi Ashtottaram: What is Lord Narayana without his consort. So, this chant primarily sings the prise of Goddess lakshmi. Many vaishnavites first recite this before the recitation of Vishnu sahasranamam
6. Mahalakshmi Stotram: The greatness of Goddess lakshmi in yet another stotram
7. Bilvashtkam: The bilva leaves are all time favourite to lord Shiva. This sloka offfers a bilva leaf to HIM as it is recited. Chanting this on pradosham or shiva rathri along with the bilva archanai is considered to be very auspicious
8. Ganga stotram: A tribute to Goddesss Ganga - the mother who came down from the heavesn to save and nurture human life
9. 10. Gita Dhyana slokam : A beautiful slokam sung in a beautiful tune. To be recited at the beginning of Gita chanting
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